Arvin's blog

Thanks for all the reviews!

Over the past few days since the last episode came out we've been receiving emails like crazy!

Just some updates

I have now added the ability for users to comment on our blog posts. If you are logged in you will see an "Add comment" link at the bottom of any blog post.

New episode on Monday

Ben and I will be getting together to shoot the latest episode on Friday, which means I will have it out to you guys by Monday (I hope).

Back & working hard!

So as you may or may not have noticed I have indeed returned home and have spent the weekend trying to recover from what was basically two weeks of very little sleep.

There's still a lot to do

Well the new site is finally launched. It took me a great deal of effort and even still it's not where where I want it to be. But I wanted to get something out so here it is in all it's glory.

It's all coming together!

Just wanted to give you all a status update on how things are coming with the updated website. I'm almost done the Photoshop redesign and this weekend (hopefully) Ben and I will be both shooting a new episode as well as having our final approval meeting on the design and the features. Once that is done I'm hoping to have the new version up and running before I leave for India which will be around the 20th of January. We'll be talking a little about it in the next episode so stay tuned!

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