Wii Sports scores

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bowhunter11's picture
Joined: 2008/03/31
Posts: 10
User offline. Last seen 16 years 3 weeks ago.

hey i was boxing the other day and one of my friends saw my Wii Boxing score and sayed i needed to post it to see what you all think
and i thot why not afreyone post you score for all the games

Boxing-2256 i am literaly off the chart right now and i am still nocking down peaple in the first and second rownd i am still going up by like 68 points each round



golf-never play

so whats you score
and is that realy good for boxing?

i love play the Wii i think it is the greatest thing ever
and if anyone wants to add me on the Wii addres thing or friend code for Super Smash Brawl email me