Punch Out!! Coming by July, Kirby Wii Still Lives

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According to a find by Shacknews, a few game release dates and surprises were found in recent Nintendo financial documents. Amongst the games mentioned were Punch-Out!!, Madworld, and a Kirby game for Wii.

Punch-Out!! was given a 1st-Half 2009 release window in North America, along with Wii Sports Resort. Madworld, according to Gamespot, now has a solid release date of March 10, 2009. And while games like Sin & Punishment 2 and Endless Ocean 2 have general 2009 release windows for both United States and European territories, the star of this news is a classic character that hasn't seen its own Wii title yet.

Kirby Wii (tentatively titled) currently has a release window of 2009 for Japan. While rumored in the past, no details have been revealed on this game. Maybe a GTA/Kirby sandbox-style mash-up is in order?
