Naruto:Clash of ninja revolution

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Joined: 2009/01/14
Posts: 35
User offline. Last seen 16 years 3 weeks ago.

Well I obviously posted this way late and out to date but i wanted to say something about naruto since its lacking as a show and a topic.

Naruto:clash of ninja revolution has somewhat the same type of gameplay as the clash of ninja,and clash of ninja 2 for the gamecube.If you have played either of those games then this game will dissapoint you and is a waste of valuble money.This game is to similar to the gamecube versions.There are a few interesting gameplay moments but not very interesting its the same floating words at the bottom of your screen and some character talking with a poor expression on their face.Although Other naruto games are much better this review isnt meant to say naruto is bad but I would hope that nobody else has purchased this game and has played other naruto games on a gaming system in the past this a fair dissapointment and ill just say this is a waste of money,and time.Ive gotten this game and i have both of the first versions(yeah thats right i got a gamecube)and when i played this game i was bored to the point that i could play this game with almost no attention needed.
I rate this game a 2/5