do you guys think

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neder's picture
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do you guys think that star wars the force unleashed was set up for another game after that. ok i know that it was supposed to take place between episodes 3 and 4 but i still think they set it up for a new star wars game

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bleu's picture
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i dont know. i havent played it yet. i do think that if they were to ever make another movie, it should be in between 3 and 4.

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neder's picture
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oh yeah they should make a new movie. im not going to spoil it for you but what happens at the end of the game is very important to the next 3 movies

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Shifty350's picture
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So you finished the game already....I wish I had time to finish a game in only a few days!! (not really, lol)

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I haven't played the game yet and probably won't get to until christmas or soon after. Being a ginormous Star Wars fan, this kills me. I think they should make a movie about something that happened after ROTJ. Maybe the Dark Nest Crises or the Legacy of the Force series.

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almost every review i heard said the game wasn't that good but the story was bad a*s

And that's my two cents

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neder's picture
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maybe you should go to and revos i finished the game in about 2 and a half hours. i really think i should have bought super smash brothers brawl maybe i should just sell back my copy of star wars the force unleashed even though i am still trying to get everything that i can get in the game

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dangled039's picture
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I wouldn't put it past them, anything for them to make more money. I havn't played the game myself, but still.
And if you already beat the game, most likely you have already got your money's worth. I would trade in that game at GameStop and buy a used Super Smash Bros. Brawl. It's a new game, so you should get a decant money's worth out of it.
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don't kill me guys but im not a star wars fan, but my friend did say it should have an sequel

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neder's picture
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WHAT HOW ARE YOU NOT A STAR WARS FAN and your friend probably thought what i had thought

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I'm not a StarWars fan....It was entertaining at first but now I don't have the time for it (but I do want to play the game, unless it's short!!) The new StarWars stuff is for kids...& if you disagree then just look at the animated movie, I don't mean to offend anyone but thats just my opinion!

& I have NO intension of seeing the new movie!!

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Yes I think...thats what your titles asks. And yeah, I don't feel like another movie.

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they should make another movie. and if you don't like short games then don't get star wars the force unleashed because i beat it in about 2 1/2 hours

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If you do trade it in I would get SSBB. It only has about a 6 1/2 hour story mode but the challenge board takes forever. If you don't have Twilight Princess then you could get that, it has around a 70 hour story mode.

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i have the legend of zelda twilight princess and it took me to try and get everything about 123 hours and i still didn't get everything but if you don't own the legend of zelda twilight princess you should it is a no brainer buy

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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