Madden 09

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Poppa Trizzle
Poppa Trizzle's picture
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I haven't played the game... this is for anybody who has...
Is the game worth pickin up if I have Madden 08 already?
What are the main improvements from 08?
And can someone please explain to me how 'Call Your Shots' would work on local/one wii multiplayer games?

Yelinyellow's picture
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well I've played it on PS2 and it's excellent
I have yet to play it on Wii

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

Scott's picture
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I would also like a review of the Wii Version. You really cannot compare the Wii version with the PS3 or XBox due to difference in the user interface. I played the first version on the Wii and did not really like the controls. I just wanted an old controller instead of the wii remote and nunchuk.

donavoncavender's picture
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I have Madden 09 for the Wii. It is fun but there are somethings that should be on it. For example, replays, Madden challenge, and Madden Cards. When I first played Madden, it had these things. Another thing, at the beginning of each game, it goes straight to the coin tose. On the other hand, the Call your Shots is a great feature and the online play is good. I just hope they improve on the next one.

Steve's picture
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heres the thign with sports games

in my opinioN!

you buy it for 50 bucks

play it for 3 hours

fidn out it's the saem as last years

go to return it

it's "outdates"

you get 5 bucks

you get mad

you give to a friend

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"