Mario Kart Wii today!!!!!

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bleu's picture
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Hey this topic has the most replies in all the forums! ok

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3 pages!
its a record, someone mark it
it only took a month!

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FrostyWampa's picture
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I think this is the first Mario Kart game that, in my opinion, is a better single-player game than a multi-player one. The new Battle Mode really, really, really let me down. :*(

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So far I like it, but I liked Double Dash better. I hope they come out with another one for the Wii in the format of Double Dash, so we can team up - since that was a pretty sweet game.

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I HATED DD, the fact that you did not have triple shell circling you, and they were juggled, so if you were hit, you were not protected and lost your items, also the turning and drifting was all wrong, plus, i disliked most of tracks. Mk 64 was and still is the best mk IMO

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I really dislike how much you get crapped on when you are in first place. The idea of hanging out in 3rd place for the most of the race to avoid blue shells is not fun. If you are a good driver and put distance between you and the pack you should be rewarded not punished. You really can be in 1st place the entire race until the last turn of lap 3 then you get nailed multiple times.

bleu's picture
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Seriously, though, that IS what happens. I hate how they aim everything at the person in 1st. It's pretty stupid.

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If you look at your stats, It'll tell you how much time you spent in first. If they tell you how much you are in first, and then completly devastate you for being in first in-race then what's the point?

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I dont know
Well Mk wii is ok but i liked Double Dash better
Me and my bro used to play against my older bro
it was really cool
1 on 2

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