Marvel Ultamite Alliance

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fanboyforwltp's picture
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This wii game is a lot of fun their are like 25+ super heroes with each having two or three diffrent costums you can make a team of four to go on tons of missions to stop the team of super villans called the Masters of evil lead by Dr.Doom.

NintendoFan's picture
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I agree, Marvel was an ok game, but the combat was very reptitive.

phantomphenoix's picture
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That is why I never got it. Because it was too repetitive.

NintendoFan's picture
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Yeah, it's either a ton of button pushing, or a lot of aimless remote swinging. It's not a bad game, it just gets old.

bleu's picture
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apparently they are making a second, but i dont know what consoles are included.

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