MK Wii or Brawl

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www.swagbucks.comSLASHreferSLASHsuntothedeep's picture
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ok, my sis is havin her graduation party on sunday and i need to know what game to get that i could use for the party, but still keep to use for the rest of my life. i was thinkin either MK Wii or Brawl.....and by the way this is a bunch of 24 year olds that we're talkin about so i think they might like MK but i dont know

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dangled039's picture
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they are both great party games, my personal favorite is Mario Kart. sooo...I would get that, but somewhere down the line, you should get brawl.

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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this could get heated.
i really dont respect mario kart at all.
its not nearly as good as the other version and it can just get really frustrating. its also the first game i put down before i unlocked all the characters. which is saying something.
Brawl is by no means perfect, but really is the better game. 1 player is pretty good, gets a little repetitive.
but multiplayer can be either 4 n00bs pickin up the controllers or 4 hardcore players like me and some of my friends, and its actually based on skill that the winner is decided. not some lottery based, luck-of-the-draw item system thats totally unforgiving to 1st place.

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bleu's picture
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Yeah, lots of good points, HeroOfHyrule, but since they're 24 year olds, they might like Mario Kart better, because it's racing, not Famous Video Game Characters fighting. I think they would like MK better for a party with that audience, but it does get old when it's just you playing.

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i'd say mkwii would be better for the party but as a game ssbb

www.swagbucks.comSLASHreferSLASHsuntothedeep's picture
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ya i was thinking Mario Kart for now since it'll just be easier and faster for them to understand the controls.....but if i bought brawl they really wouldnt get it and it would just be button-smashing all the time.....but please, keep your suggestions coming

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Lostman1027's picture
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I would have to go with SSBB. First of all, it has that switching mode. You can also set up a tournament and you can crown the champion. Second, SSBB has characters like Snake. I think people will be interested in that. Finally, MK Wii's settings can't be changed that much. In brawl, you can change the stock or time so that everyone gets a chance to play.

Shifty350's picture
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Mario Kart!!!
This game is easier to play! It doesn't take long to get the hang of!!!
Though SSBB is really fun, you should go with MK!!

Good point Lostman!!!

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Oh, and if you get SSBB people can unlock characters for you.

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Well, after beating story mode, it's not hard to unlock the remaining few characters. Same with levels. They're not hard to get. If you can get them to get trophies and stickers for you, then that would be cool. But the main reason to get MK for them is because of the controls that are easy to learn (wii wheel), fun, pick-up-and-play, and non-complicated or button-mashing. SSBB, though, is button-mashing combining special techniques (sp?) and moves and strategies.

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www.swagbucks.comSLASHreferSLASHsuntothedeep's picture
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ok so i RENTED MK Wii but i have to say...its not as good as i expected....i think i woulda been better off with renting brawl......but whatever....i have it till friday so if any of u guys wanna race me till then, be my guest....just msg me or something

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HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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who's the man
Brawl reigns supreme!!!

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Scott's picture
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I would go with MK as more people in a party situation would rather race than fight. The controls are also much easier for someone who has never played the Wii to pick up.

Lostman1027's picture
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User offline. Last seen 14 years 51 weeks ago.'s kinda late Scott. SSBB all the way HOH!