Simpsons Game

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Caltus's picture
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User offline. Last seen 15 years 17 weeks ago.

I just DL'd the Simpsons game demo on my 360 and from a fans POV it was great, all the dialog is very funny. i still havnt decided which systeam to get it for. graphically it shouldn't be much different on the wii vs the 360, so game play may be more fun with waggle controls, i will probably have to wait for reviews to make a decision on this one. Some people say it is a frustrating game but i just think it will take some practice to get the controls down for each character. i played through the demo with my Girl Friend, and we both had alot of fun, laughing alot and enjoying the simpsons world


Dodo_JZ's picture
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I don't know about you but you should probably go with the wii, it all depends. I mean if you don't like the way they have wii movements for the game, go for the 360 (I don't really like games like that).

The Dodo JZ

Cheers :)

Caltus's picture
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Joined: 2007/06/04
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User offline. Last seen 15 years 17 weeks ago.

I had both games on the top of my game fly list, Wii/360 versions. The 360 one came yest, first time i've gotten a new release so quickly from GF. From playing through the 1st two levels i am not impressed with the game play. Camera is terrible at times and i had high hopes for this one seeing as it wasn't a rushed movie game. AS a fan of the simpsons the game is great though, very funny and i love that it has all original content. im sure i will enjoy this game but i cant suggest it as a title to purchase. Give it a rent and a good play through if you are a fan, if not i would pass on it. Oh and if given the option, at least from what i read the Wii Controls are not very good so if u have another console that might be the one to go with. They say that there has never been a good simpsons game, but that is a lie, simpsons hit and run was a fantastic game and i wish they would of just stuck with that style.
