sonic and the black knight looks horrible

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neder's picture
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take a look at the videos it looks way better than unleashed

okay it does LOOK better in the videos but if you take a look at the screen shots in the review it looks pretty bad and they gave it a pretty bad score 3.9

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Steve's picture
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hey i saw the wi fi connectino sybol on the coverart, will it be just running stats or acutal races (or duels using the sword)

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

neder's picture
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if sega is smart and nintendo will let them then it will be both races and sword fights

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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brawler9686's picture
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Ahh i dont really care sonic sucks

neder's picture
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did you like turn into a nintendo/sega hater or what because you're talking a lot of crap about nintendo and the wii. basically im asking why are you even on this site and do you hate the wii or are you just really pissed right now because nintendo hasn't really made a mature game

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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