The Conduit

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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page 3?

Anyway, I'm still anxious as heck for the game, and Wii Motion Plus is just (in my opinion) a way to better market a semi-useless waste money (and not to mention battery killer).

Cheers :)

Malf's picture
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gonna get it i think it will be pretty good and have good graphics Metroid Prime 3 sure did

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actually ign said it would be T and i believe them the video's i've seen don't warrant an M

Trombone_Hero's picture
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I'm definatly gonna get it. Although I'm sure it wont look as great as a genuine 360 title I hope it comes close.

spiderpig24's picture
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The Conduit will support WIi MotionPlus and a sequel has been confirmed.

HeroOfHyrule128's picture
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I am wondering about something concerning the MotionPlus. When plugged into the Wiimote, can you plug a nunchuck into the MotionPlus? And with the MotionPlus, how will the Jackets fit? And say the nunchuck doesn't plug into the MP, how will the conduit work? Will it have an on-rails mode? What do you guys think?

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spiderpig24's picture
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The nunchuk can plug into the motionplus, I don't know about the jackets though.

bleu's picture
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they will have special jackets. I dont remember where i saw it but i did...

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wiilikepi's picture
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Well actually according to ign the rating is RP.

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Poppa Trizzle
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super sad face, it looks liek a rated m game

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bleu's picture
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wow that looks super fun. it does look like it could still be rated M

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I wish we had a release date!!

Oh......Thanks, HaHa maybe I should read more!! HaHa

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january they said.. 1 year ago lol

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neder's picture
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well i am probably not getting it because i want to get
1. animal crossing city folk
2. sonic unleashed
3. sonic and the black knight
4. a ps3
5. sonic the hedgehog
6. little big planet
7. ratchet and clank future tools of destruction
8. other ps3 games
9. an xbox 360
10. next zelda game
11. next mario game
12. next metroid game

as you can see my list is very long and i am not at all excited for the conduit

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
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The Conduit will be sweet hands down no questions the end

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Im getting the Conduit, I think its gonna be a great first person shooter. If it has really good online capabilities it could become the best first person shooter ever. Because you know the controls are gonna kick the but out of any other high quality first person shooter out there, just point an shoot baby =)

see ya =)

Alucard Hellsing
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its been confirmed to be rated T i though and wtf a squeal what if the original is s*it not to be emo or anything but it seems any time we get our hope hats on for a new game when they come out our hats turn to ash as with what happened with alone in the dark (ok i was looking forward to it), swfu (it wasn't bad just way took short) and project H.A.M.M.E.R. (which was cancled)

And that's my two cents

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i probably won't buy this even though it looks pretty cool

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Steve's picture
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why? i predict this game will be really tough to get

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Alucard Hellsing
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i don't think so ssbb wad easy to get

And that's my two cents

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i know but there are way more fps fans than fighting fans

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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I really want local multi-player on the conduit (not online and local together, just 4 player local)
anyone got some info?

sorry if this was mentioned before

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I'm going to rent it for sure then buy it if i like but i truthfully don't think the graphics will be as good as the 360s but i hope they are!

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I'm going to rent it for sure then buy it if i like but i truthfully don't think the graphics will be as good as the 360s but i hope they are!

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they will be its not hard, there are better graphics on the ps2 than the ps3 in a couple of games

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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bleu's picture
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hey, according to some video in the user content, the guys who made the conduit said its coming Q1 of 09, around March. good news, its coming sooner than i expected.

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This information comes from Eric Nofsinger, Chief Creative Officer at High Voltage Software

- Official Release Date: 9th, June, 2009
- NO Multiplayer LAN.
- NO split-screen multiplayer
- Possible sequel
- 16 players online
- Worldwide online play
- National online play
- Use friend codes to play online with specific people
- Online game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag
- All multiplayer maps from single-player campaign
- WiiSpeak support reconfirmed

neder's picture
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nintendo power said that the release date was march or may

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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spiderpig24 wrote:
This information comes from Eric Nofsinger, Chief Creative Officer at High Voltage Software

- Official Release Date: 9th, June, 2009....BUSTED MAY 19TH
- NO Multiplayer LAN. STILL TRUE
- NO split-screen multiplayer STILL TRUE
- Possible sequel STILL TRUE
- 16 players online STILL TRUE
- Worldwide online play STILL TRUE
- National online play STILL TRUE
- Use friend codes to play online with specific people BUSTED, NO FRIEND CODES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Online game modes: Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, Capture the Flag STILL TRUE
- All multiplayer maps from single-player campaign STILL TRUE
- WiiSpeak support reconfirmed STILL TRUE

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