The new Zelda game.

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FrostyWampa's picture
Joined: 2007/12/30
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I keep hearing about 'the new Zelda game' and I want to know more about it. I couldn't find anything about it on wikipedia so I decided to ask you and let you do the searching. :) When the Wii first came out I heard about a new Zelda game slated for '09. Is this the same game? Also, what's the story going to be like? If nobody knows I understand but if you do know, please fill me in!

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billeh123's picture
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All I know is that Twi Pri was not ment for the Wii. It was going to be the last game for the Game Cube. They just tweaked it and gave it a few motion controles. There has been talk since Twi Pri's release that a new zelda game would be released that was made specificly for the Wii.

I don't know what to expect. But I hope the rumor is true. I love the entire series, and can't wait to see what kind of story and game play they come up with next.