wiiware and wii fit

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Punisher's picture
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wii fit comes out May 19 and wiiware comes May 12 here is a link from ign http://wii.ign.com/articles/853/853371p1.html

Greenbamboo's picture
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Im jealous. I have 2 WiFi hotspots in my house but my Wii won't accept either of them... So until i get that fixed no Wiiware for me. But Wiiware seems like its gona be awesome.

What's the deal with the lack of Super Smash 64 on the wii shop channel. No, instead we get stuff like SnowBoard 180!

phantomphenoix's picture
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I cant wait for it.

Luigi's picture
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waht about a lan cabel

Dave's picture
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Did you setup your Wii connection with your WEP code?

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