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Yelinyellow's picture
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I just wanted to point this out but at the top of the store page there was an awkward quote. No Offence to Arvin but I just this is wierd.
"Show how much you like the Wii and support your friendly neighborhood Wii Like To Podcast, all while making a fashion statement that will make all YOUR FRIENDS PLAY WITH YOUR WII."
Awkward turtle LOL JK
Please don't say I have a twisted mind

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

Lostman1027's picture
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My friend has a perverted mind and made fun of that and that the site moto is "Just two guy's playing with their Wii's"

Shifty350's picture
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Arvin, correct me if I'm wrong but I do believe you had pun intended with that!! But Nintendo had it coming when they named their system "Wii" ..... ..... .....Doesn't it mean "Play" or something like that? I never thought of it like that until my friend made a comment about it in the attempt of mocking Nintendo, only to have his plan backfire making himself look immature....In your face Nate!!! I don't care what you say, It still means "The Best System" to me!! lol

I was RevosBro.

maeghick's picture
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I agree I think it's supposed to sound awkward and be funny. I believe it's a way to grab your attention, and hey guess what? It worked ;)

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Steve's picture
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lol just be glad it does not say wiimotes instead of wii's lol

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neder's picture
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what would be so bad about saying wiimotes

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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