Bluetooth Adapters

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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I want to connect my wiimote to my pc
where can i pick up a cheap bluetooth usb adapter without ordering online?
what's the cheapest i can get?

Lostman1027's picture
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Remember this?

duksandfish's picture
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He did say NOT online, but I dont live in america/canadoa so i wouldnt know, however, in england, argos have a cheap one going that comes with the bluesoliel software for £7 (~$14)

bleu's picture
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I don't know, but I'd check bestbuy, gamestop, walmart, target, gamecrazy, circuitcity, etc. I don't know about outside US, though. EDIT: Online would be the cheapest, if you really wanted to get it cheap as possible.

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