Capcom bringing Dead Rising to Wii

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Detractors be damned, Capcom is again porting an old game to Wii.

As revealed in the latest issue of Famitsu, Kotaku is reporting today Capcom is bringing Dead Rising to Wii. Like Okami and Resident Evil 4 before it, Dead Rising appears to be a direct and unaltered port on Wii.

Originally released for Xbox 360 in Aug. 2006, Dead Rising follows the harrowing adventures of Frank West, a photographer trapped inside a shopping mall in a zombie-infested Colorado town. Players control West as he uses surrounding objects to brutalize zombie scum, save survivors and uncover the reasons for the undead infestation.

No release date was specified. Expect more from Capcom soon.

Alucard Hellsing
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sweet i heard this game was really good i hope its not a crapy port

And that's my two cents

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Carlos's picture
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Capcom is bringing Dead Rising to Wii. Like Okami and Resident Evil 4 and this games a great !

Dodo_JZ's picture
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Dead Rising is a blast. I played it at my buddy's house on his 360. Killing zombies is probably the best thing about it and there are so many weapons and items in the mall it's impossible to kill them every way. It's gonna be rated M because it's probably more bloodier and just as gory as Mortal Kombat.

And who here knows about the Megaman easter egg?

Cheers :)

Steve's picture
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i've alwasy wanted to play this, and i did not have a 360, but i hope it does not use the wiimote for the sake of using it

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spiderpig24's picture
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The game will be called Dead Rising Chop Till You Drop.

neder's picture
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it looks stupid

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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and happy gaming

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spiderpig24's picture
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It could be a lot better than what it looks, it looks like they aren't spending very much time on the graphics. I don't think it will be as good as Resident Evil 4.

neder's picture
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never played it

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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