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Sharkboy's picture
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Are you guys as ready for E3 as I am. Nintendo's press conference doesn't start til tomorrow but I plan on watching Microsoft's to see what they have plan. I think Nintendo is going to surprise us. I hope they finally give us what the other consoles all ready have.

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I'm watching Microsoft's and Nintendo's. After the 360 price drop theres no telling what Microsoft has planned.

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Yeah I own a Xbox360 and a Wii. I just hope Microsoft doesn't try and make a wiimote type of controller. They see Nintendo has made loads of cash so they want to rip it off. Don't do it Microsoft stick to what you know.

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The Conduit will be at E3 with a playable demo.


Nintendo has announced a new peripheral.


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Yeah I've been reading up on The Conduit. I just don't know about the new peripheral. They should make and updated Wiimote so I can just buy it with that built in. I don't want to add things the Wiimote to make it larger. But we will all see what happens tomorrow at Nintendo's Press Conference.

If you check out my site I always update it with news on The Conduit. I have to do a story on everything Nintendo says at There Press Conference.


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I'm seriously thinking about getting a PS3 cause of the neat games coming out for it so i'll be watching the sony press conference tomarrow along with nintendo and today I'll be watching Microsoft

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

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Yeah. I want one, too. They do have a lot of great games coming out. I plan on watching everything E3 on G4TV.

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watch it on gamestop they have a much better signal then G4

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

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Oh yeah, E3 is today!!! I totally forgot, thanks for reminding me!!
Well I gotta go watch that NOW!!!!!! (lol)

Oh, & one question, when does the Nintendo conference start tomorrow?? Because I don't want to miss that! I think I'm just going to watch as much as I can, PS3, Xbox, Nintendo, all of it!!! as for now I think I'll just watch some ninja warrior, because thats what's on G4 right now!!!

I was RevosBro.

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sadly, this is gonna be my FIRST E3 that i am ever watching on tv.....hope i do this more often

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i watched a little of microsofts and i will watch all of nintendo's all i really saw of microsofts' was the netflix thing and Your In The Movies or whatever it's called

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Ok, I have a couple of questions. I'm not really as hardcore as most of the people on this website, so I need to know, do I watch it online, and when it is on for nintendo. Thanks alot.

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Watch it at gamespot.com Nintendo starts tomarrow at 9:00 Hollywood CA Time

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

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This is my first e3 I've ever watched

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

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ok thanks. that's what I thought. So that would be 11:00 for me. Got to remember that!

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The Conduit demo looks really good. It makes me want to play. the graphics are undeniably the best I've seen for the Wii; it looks like Halo 2. Halo 3 looks better in terms of graphics; it's on it's way to a 360. I don't know the fps of the game in the video though.

Cheers :)

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where did you see the conduit demo? Is it just the trailers or an actual playabe demo?

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A gameplay Demo video on IGN.

Cheers :)