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neder's picture
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this kind of a poll. who has a facebook or myspace here

also how often if at all do u check out wii like to podcast on facebook

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Godzilla2013's picture
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Facebook. ALOT less more noobs and you can chat.

I used to check them out on FB until they stopped updating it.

brawler9686's picture
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I hate that kind of stuff like facebook and myspace there useless and stupid. (thats my opinion if you can't take an opinion then why are you here.)

dangled039's picture
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I'm pretty sure WLTP has a group or something on facebook.

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Nintendo13's picture
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I *cough cough agree with brawler *

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Lostman1027's picture
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"I hate that kind of stuff like facebook and myspace there useless and stupid. (thats my opinion if you can't take an opinion then why are you here.)"

I *cough cough agree with brawler *

I used to think that to. But it helps me stay friends with people I've known in the past. Just cause your not old enough to have an account doesn't mean it sucks. That is my opinion :)

P.S. You used the asterisks wrong ...hehe

phantomphenoix's picture
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brawler9686 wrote:
I hate that kind of stuff like facebook and myspace there useless and stupid. (thats my opinion if you can't take an opinion then why are you here.)

That is exactly why I did not join them. Trust me I know some friends and teachers who have fallen under thier spell. It is certainly attracting my sister to the computer.

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i just got a facebook yesterday.... fun so far

Spiderpig2744's picture
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too be honest, I really don't like social networks like facebook or myspace. I find them to be a waste of time. Some people really get addicted to these sites. It could really influence your life. I'm not saying it's bad but just not my way.
(this is my opinion, not yours)

brawler9686's picture
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Metroid said it better.

Chyeah man
Chyeah man's picture
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waste of your time and life I rather talk to people I actually know or talk to them face to face instead of a computer. (my opinion)

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bryansmith's picture
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I will use facebook for most of the and i feel its the good one.

Steve's picture
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i have a facebook, it's good cause i don't live by many peopel at my school so i can still socialize

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