Fatal Frame IV Controls suck!

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mattiassilva's picture
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Helo, i need to let som steam of! i am so @#$%ing pist at nintendo and grasshopper right now!
It seems that they have totally screwd up the controls of Fatal Frame IV.

this is some information i found on the internet, IGN is saying the same thing!

Now for the disappointing part: the controls. You’d expect this to use the Wiimote as a pointer for the camera and flashlight, but no. They had better ideas. They had to go and only use the Wiimote for pointing up and down (in an awkward manner, I might add). To look on the left and the right you need to twist the Wiimote with your wrist. The instructions manual makes no mention of this: doesn’t surprise me, seeing as it’s as clunky as useless. But it doesn’t end here. When in camera mode, you now have to “lock” on ghosts with Z. Yeah, because you see, with the Wiimote not being used as a pointer, and the Nunchuck being used for walking, you simply don’t have anything that could actually help you freely move the camera around and follow ghosts. You can only turn around with the Nunchuck, and point up/down with the Wiimote, and when the target is in sight, lock on. Kinda sucks, if you ask me.

How the hell is this possible, i mean RE4 controls work perfectly except that you cant do a 180 turn really fast but other than that its perfect. Obscure the aftermath could have been a pretty good horror survival but they @#$%ed everything up with the save system and the controls suck as! Im a big horror survival fan and I haven´t had any horror title to play on my wii since re4 "witch isn´t really a horror game" so I was really hoping that Fatal Frame IV was gonna kick-ass, I am so @#$%ing angry right know how the hell can they @#$% up the controls so badly i mean come on! to aim with the camera you should aim at the screen, to shake ghost off you should shake the wiimote, to move objects in puzzle mode you should use the motion controls, to move the character you use the nunchuk, to run you hold down Z to pick up objects you press A, + for the map, and B to take pictures. Thats how simple it should be, there really should not be a confusion about that, i mean we own a Wii with amazing control capabilities like no other console and they have to go and @#$% up the controls like this! Its shameful really Im ashamed of Nintendo right now they have lost their mojo! they better fix this before it gets to Europe and US!

seriously we need to send them an angry complaint note! =/
If they dont fix this for the US/Europe release im gonna play this game with a regular GameCube Controller! NINTENDO NO MORE CASUAL GAMES!

check this out for more info on Fatal Frame IV: http://wii.ign.com/articles/895/895630p1.html

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holy crap! that game must suck! lol

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mattiassilva's picture
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Well I guess the Wii really isn´t a console for Survival Horror fans it´s really sad considering the potential of the system. Nintendo screwed us! In the first revolution trailer with people playing different games sitting on there sofa there was this guy playing a horror game with the lights dimmed down holding the wiimote like it was a flashlight aiming it at the screen hearing creepy sounds coming out of the wiimote speaker but it was all lies! Nintendo don´t care about us they just want to make Animal Crossing and Wii music crap toys for children! were is that horror game from the first revolution trailer! I want that game! Well I know there are other games like Fragile to look forward to but i don´t believe in developers anymore until Im playing the game and im jumping of my couch in excitement i wont be happy! Its times like this that i feel comforted by the fact that i own an Xbox360 and that I will be able to play Silent Hill Homecomming and Dead Space pretty soon, thank god for that! But still would it not be nice to play that game from the revolution trailer, oh why did you lie to us Nintendo whyyyyyyy! =(


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I think either Wii died before August 10, or it is about to die after the last of the anticipated games come out. If Nintendo doesn't make some changes, they WILL lose their diehards.

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well the last anticipated game to come out is probably wii sports resort but nintendo can come up with plenty of ideas before spring 09

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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mattiassilva's picture
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Hello, im the guy that was worried about Fatal Frame IV controls, I got the Japanese copy and tested it, its freaking amazing, its awsome its super scary, seriously even more scary than Dead Space! it rocks! the controls do feel a little akward at first because you want to point the camera like a first person shooter, but then you get used to it, and it actually slows the game down so the pace becomes slow and it feels like you are lurking threw the game giving you plenty of time to take in the visuals and atmosphere witch actually only makes it even more scary, because you cant rush your way threw the game and run away from the things that are scary its like the game holding you back so you must endure the horror! its freaking awsome, suda51 you are a genius and im a dumbass for doubting your brilliance, now if you excuse me im gonna go and commit sepuku =)

to all horror survival fans, you must have this game its what we have been waiting for! now if only nintendo can get their heads out of their asses and bring it to Europe and US already so we to can enjoy this brilliant game.

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This game better come to the US, we need a good hardcore game. They just announced that Disaster Day of Crisis will not come out in the US and Resident Evil 0 won't either. I want a good scary game too, this sounds like it will be really scary if it's scarier than Dead Space.

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Yes it is sceary!

I think that when you play Dead Space its really sceary and intense wile you are playing it, But when you play Fatal Frame IV its sceary wile you are playing and you are still left with fear when you turn of the console. Especially if you are by yourself at home at night. Because Dead Space is a sci-fi horror, when you stop playing you leave that fantasy of being in a futuristic spaceship. But Fatal Frame is a classic ghost story that takes place in present time and in a regular house, and the ghosts look human so when you stopp playing you haven´t really left that world because there is so much in your own home that reminds you of it. You know what I mean, you think that a ghost is gonna jump out of your closet, hehe. But seriusly it gives me the creeps. In a good way =)

Nintendo hurry up!

peace out =)

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WTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DISASTER NOT IN THE UNITED STATES! OMFG, I WAS WATING FOR THIS GAEM SINCE IT WAS FIRST HINTED AT! well, i guess i need to get it in england thru ebay

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