Free Wii Games Yeah Seriously

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Yelinyellow's picture
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OK I found this site called my wii downloads where you have to pay a membership fee but you can download movies music and Games like Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy. You download them to a computer then put them on a empty DVD then put it into the wii and KA BAm a wii game.
Heres the link

I haven't tried or signed up for it but i just found this really cool!

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

dangled039's picture
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If you have to pay a membership fee, its not free.

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duksandfish's picture
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You cant play Pirated/ Self burned Games on an unmodified wii, plus, these dowloads are all avaliable free if you know where to look, but that, and this site are both illegal, and you need a modchip installed in your wii.

Shifty350's picture
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Yeah to me, it just sounds too good to be true! I don't like the idea of messing with my Wii's insides(lol)
I don't even have time for the games I have now!!

I was RevosBro.

Steve's picture
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yea, i doubt the $10 u saved from the game is not worth the risk of a illegal program

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

neder's picture
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yeah i agree with steve. if nintendo found that site they sue them in a heartbeat

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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