gamecube memory cards? are they extinct?

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Steve's picture
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hey all, i got melee for christmas, and i finally got aroudn to gettign a gamecube controller, so i threw it in and started to play it on my wii but i can't save it!!!!!

it says i need a memory card (probly a gamecube one cause wii can't save for some reason)

so, where can i get one? ic ant find one!

can someone post a link of a well known store (walmart and target, not like bob's gaem and snack or another locals tore they don't have everytwhere)

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spiderpig24's picture
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I got mine at walmart before they stopped selling them. There is one on Target's website that you can order.

moneyr's picture
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ebay web site

moneyr's picture
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or gamestop website

Trombone_Hero's picture
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moneyr, you know you can edit your posts, right?

But on topic, you can always find stuff like this at gamestop or eb games (they're owned by the same company, so is Planet X)

here is a linky link

Steve's picture
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thanks guys, i found one for a good deal on ebay, thanks, i guess we can keep this up ust inc ase somebody else has the same problem

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

moneyr's picture
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i 4 got hero

Trombone_Hero's picture
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I was talking to steve, you know, that's why we have the whole topic

phantomphenoix's picture
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Another site to concider is the nintendo site. They will still sell Gamecube memory cards.