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Sharkboy's picture
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Today I started a Gamefly account they have a deal going for 15 dollars for 2 months. They have a variety of games i plan on doing reviews on every game I rent. Some of you guys should get an account with Gamefly

dangled039's picture
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What exactly is gamefly? I have never heard of it.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

spiderpig24's picture
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game rentals delivered to your home.

Shifty350's picture
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Thats cool but I don't have the extra money!!

I was RevosBro.

Steve's picture
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gamefly is a netflix for video games

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

dangled039's picture
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How long do you get to keep the games? and 15 dollars for 2 months is a good deal. I think blockbuster has game rentals for 8 dollars, which is insane. I might just do this.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

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i never tried game fly but im pretty sure it's how ever logn you want, but to get a new one u need to return it so, if u love a game u may end up paying 15 buckarooies for metriod or sumthin

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

neder's picture
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i wish i could sign up for gamefly

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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Do u think they cud send to Africa?
lol jk

Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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neder's picture
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im assuming they send to everywhere (yes i got that you were being sarcastic)

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Steve's picture
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a gamefly susbscription is on my christmas wishlist

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"