Good games for the summer?

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samus256's picture
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Ok I have 1 problem with the conduit, it's small, short story line, not too many weapons, mutiplayer while awesome is just a little bit lacking but not really. I just hope they make conduit 2 bigger. Oh yeah don't compare wii to 360 or ps3, it's just not fair.

And answer to the forum question. pretty much any rpg that you can find. They take up alot of time and they're fun. like I'm playing kingdom hearts right now. I highly recomend it btw. Both of them. they're awesome. :)

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neder's picture
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i get some of my stuff from reviews (not all of it.) i wasn't really comparing the wii or the conduit to the 360 or halo. i was just saying that i like halo better than the conduit. also brawler you should get a 360.

i agree with samus. kingdom hearts is the best console rpg that i've played. but world of warcraft is still my favorite which if any of you have the money to pay every month try downloading the 14 day free trial and see if you like it.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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dangled039's picture
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neder wrote:
also the conduit is nothing in comparrison to the halos on the 360. halo is way better in every aspect (even the controls because the conduit controls are to shifty) im not trying to say that i hate the conduit but its just not as good as halo or metroid

so your not comparing the 2 neder?

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no just saying one is better than the other

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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samus256's picture
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That called comparing genuis.

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idk about the Wii but Fat Princess for PS3 is going to occupy me a looooong time. Man that game looks awesome.

Steve's picture
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red steel 2 wins my e3 game of the year, so i can't wait for that

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