Good things about nintendo

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brawler9686's picture
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These are the good aspects of nintendo.


1. great for non-gamers
2. very fun puzzle and mario games
3. easy to use
4. built in wireless internet(not like the 360 where you have to pay 100 dollars)
5. Very lightweight not like the ps3 which is 50 pounds
6. You can buy old nintendo games like the old zelda mario and donkey kong
7. Trying to aim for more little kids and older people(ex. house of the dead, call of duty world at war, resident evil 4, Madworld, The Conduit)

Are you all happy now I just don't say crap about nintendo Ive never even bought a console or something else that isnt nintendo realated ( that includes the 360 ps3, ps2, ps1, xbox) (but i did once buy a psp but I sold it and got a DS)

spiderpig24's picture
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brawler9686 wrote:
7. Trying to aim for more little kids and older people(ex. house of the dead, call of duty world at war, resident evil 4, Madworld, The Conduit)

I kind of agree with everything but #7. To me those are pretty much the only games for core gamers, not kids or older people.

Lostman1027's picture
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Here comes the other side of the argument...dun dun dunnnnnn

1. i guess, although other systems have good games for non-gamers too

2. stop with the frikkin mario, hes a loser. there are so many other heroes on other consoles (Master Chief, sackboy) Also tons of puzzle gameso n the 360 and a popcap just released lots on the ps3 store too

3. what console isn't? you simply put the controller in your hand and push buttons

4. least the xbox 360 internet is worth it. Nintendo wifi is terrible, you dont even know when ur friends are online!

5. I've carried the PS3 in my backpack no prob its not that heavy.

6. Emulators much?

7. Your right with the little kids but they definitely do not aim to adults.

I'm a real downer aren't I?

neder's picture
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brawler you amaze me (you haven't even bought anything not nintendo related) but here comes the other argument to number 1 on brawlers list

the wii is great for non gamers. what! the wii is great for all types of gamers twilight princess super mario galaxy mario kart super smash bros. madworld conduit resident evil etc. etc.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Ben's picture
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There are a lot of good looking games coming out this year. The question of whether or not the Wii has any thing to offer "hard core gamers" will be solved if the "hard core" games that are coming out this year sell. The Wii is the number one selling system. If developers think they can make a successful selling mature game on the console they will. We just all have to buy The Conduit and Mad World. And personally I am very excited for the exclusive Indy game.

P.S. The Wii is the most simple console to use. Try teaching your parents to use your 360. (And that is a generalization I don't want a bunch of people responding with "my parents do" or "my parents can't even figure out the Wii". Though it would be funny if someone did.)

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i completely agree with ben. but i have to add something: that the wii will sell even more if they have more games like the conduit. look at the 360 if the wii had games like they do on the 360 then they will sell another good 14 million (like the 360 has by selling mostly hardcore mature games)and the wii is easer because my parents couldn't play mario kart on the game cube but they can do pretty good on mario kart wii

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Little off-topic but, I really hate ppl criticizing brawler, lol.
Anyone have ideas on a nickname for me and brawler9686? (different of course)

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I get what your trying to imply, Ben, but I really didn't have a game like Gears of War in mind when I said the other consoles are just as easy to use. There are a lot of great downloadable titles like Geometry Wars that are simple and fun. Also, when I first played the baseball on the wii I had no clue in what direction to hold the Wii remote. It screwed my bat up :)

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I don't doubt that, but I was talking about overall.