good xbl games?

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neder's picture
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what are some good xbox live games. i just want to know if its worth paying the $100 for the wireless router. i've watched gamespot live on the spot and they showed some good xbl games. but i want your opinion if there are enough games for me to buy the 100 bucks for the router and then the microsoft points cards.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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spiderpig24's picture
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You don't need to buy the router to get Live, all you need to do is plug an ethernet cord into the back of your modem or router, and the other end into the back of your 360.

There are great games to play on XBL. I've been playing CoD5 online a lot, you can play deathmatches, coop modes, and competitive coop modes. Some other great Live games are Gears of War 2, Halo 3, Resident Evil 5, Left 4 Dead, CoD4, Guitar Hero 2, Guitar Hero 3, GHWT, and Rock Band. Pretty much any Xbox game has Live capabilities, for gamerpoints, online play, or downloadable content.

There are some really good games on XBL to download. They have arcade games like Peggle, Dishwasher Dead Samurai, Castle Crashers, N+, and The Maw. They have older games like Contra, Gauntlet, Dig Dug, Metal Slug 3, Pacman, TMNT, Banko Kazooie, and Sonic the Hedgehog. They also have community games, where people make games in XNA Game Studio and send them to Microsoft to have their game put on Xbox Live. Those only cost around 200 points. You can also download original Xbox games like Halo and Fable too.

samus256's picture
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spiderpig24 wrote:
You don't need to buy the router to get Live, all you need to do is plug an ethernet cord into the back of your modem or router, and the other end into the back of your 360.

for some of us, like me, our router is in a completely different room then the console.

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ratchet_samus wrote:

for some of us, like me, our router is in a completely different room then the console.

My ethernet is run under the house, so I can have it in the other room, but I can see where that can be a problem. I still think it's worth it if you have to buy the adaptor.

neder's picture
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yeah i can't use my ethernet cord so i have to buy the wireless router.
what other games are good for download

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

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spiderpig24's picture
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Braid is definately one of the best sidescrollers I've ever played, I would definately recommend that for download. Geometry Wars, Mega Man 9, Watchmen: The End is Nigh, Wanted: Weapons of Fate, Banko Kazooie and Banjo Tooie, Castlevania, Prince of Persia. Portal is probably the best game I've played on XBLA.

Here is a list of the XBLA games for download:

dangled039's picture
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i suggest you play the demo of any arcade game before you decide to buy it. my all time favorite XBLA game is Braid. and other games that I have that are simply fun are Peggle, Geometry Wars, NHL Arcade 3 (not sure of its official title), and Castle Crashers. Castle Crashers is fun if you have some friends to play with. but as i said before, make sure you download the demo, and really like it before you make a purchase.

and make sure that everyone downloads Aegis Wing. its FREE. and its actually a half decent shmup game.

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