harry potter and the half blood prince

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neder's picture
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this is about both movie and game.

the game: the game looks a lot better than the order of the pheonix. the wii controls look easier to use rather than in the order of pheonix where it took forever to get a spell out (not sure if that happened to everyone or if its just my wii or controller). the graphics look pretty horrible for todays standards. if ea did motion capture then they machine has got to be 45 years old (i know they didn't have them back them but it looks like it could be that old.) even on a 360 the graphics look bad. but the dueling looks a lot of fun.

movie: the movie looks AMAZING. it looks like its going to be rather longer than the others which is a good thing because 5th one longest book shortest movie so far. who all is going to the midnight launch on july 14th-15th.

give your thoughts on either and please answer question

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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dangled039's picture
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i stay away from games based off of movies. they are never any good. and im not a big enough fan to see the movie on opening night. but i will see it a couple of weeks after release.

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dangled039 wrote:
i stay away from games based off of movies. they are never any good.

with the exception of goldeneye 007. That was one of the best games I've played

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Metriod_2744 wrote:
dangled039 wrote:
i stay away from games based off of movies. they are never any good.

with the exception of goldeneye 007. That was one of the best games I've played

i think that game is the exception for everybody.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

Steve's picture
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i have yet to play that, ive played it at my friend's and loved it but never owned it, it's only 9 bucks, ill haev to ebay it, it'll be impossible to have it a gamestop

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