how can the smash improve

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Steve's picture
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it's not annouced but hopefully smash 4 hits soon.. what do we want?

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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So immature

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man, it's a holiday, be feastive

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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April Fools!!!!!
Ok there I did

dangled039's picture
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is encounter really the best sub title you could come up with? honestly, if you going to do an April Fool's joke make it good. not some elementary school boy joke. its not even funny. grow up.

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all i could think of, assult is inapropiate

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don't make stuff like that up thats just cruel do something better.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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and happy gaming

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NintendoFan's picture
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Wow, i got kinda excited, then i saw the title in capital letters, and remembered what day it was.

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this was a april fools joke, it's now edited so i don;t get yelled out

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neder's picture
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i would like more characters for super smash and or a better story mode and the multiplayer is only a side attraction.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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better wifi, and possibly for DS(i) (as well as wii?)

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Steve's picture
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what do you mean better story!?!?!?!? subspace was EPIC!

im hopeing for 40+ characters (at least)

and even just adequete online

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I can think of many new characters they could add in, so that would be a definate. Brawl had...36? So, maybe 50 or something. I mean there are plenty of good fighters in the Nintendo universe.
I agree with Neder, a better story mode is also something needed. Brawl's story was good, but not great. A lot of things could have been done differently, and it would've been nice to have at least someone talk so we don't get confused. Also, much better online play. The way it's set up now is a tad bit confusing.

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brawl had 35 characters

only way to improve sotry is have cutscenes based on who you pick (liek how you get new cutscenes in your second playtrue when you pick the other princess to free from the cage

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I just went back and counted, there are 36. (I'm counting Zelda and Shiek, and Samus and Z suit as different people)
The story could have had branching paths with the Princess's even more, like different things would happen to Peach that wouldn't happen to Zelda.

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also like sonic unleased say luigi is a victim the trophieamacation gun but if you hit a correct button he will dodge it then have a fight with wario or bowser (whoever is holding the gun)

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Hmm, or if they worked extra hard, they could have little individual stories for the characters. Too bad that'll probably never happen.

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or they could make it like a full on 3d game. more like a story between metroid and zelda

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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brawler9686's picture
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Hey the story line was great but addeding more characters would be a must.

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3D smash would end up liek WOW not what made smash, smash

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phantomphenoix's picture
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Yhea it would ruin the whole purpose of SSB

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yep it would ruin it.

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