I was wondering...

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Alucard Hellsing
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Dose anyone on this site watch anime but me??

And that's my two cents

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I used to. Naruto, Inu Yasha, Gundam Wing (the good one) and FMA. I don't really anymore. They have interesting stories, but never turn into good video games, usually because the people who develop the games are really bad third party developpers or the game has too much of a non-gaming feel to it and just wouldn't turn out well as a video game.

Cheers :)

Alucard Hellsing
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because im an anime fan i bye ALL the anime basies games and some times they really suck

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie

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I watch Anime. And Arvin is a big anime fan as well, actually. ^.^

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Alucard Hellsing
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No way thats really cool

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie

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Death Note , Gundam , Naruto , Bleach and Full Metal alchemist !!! I love anime !!!

Alucard Hellsing
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your my new best friend

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie

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Dragon Ball Z!!!!

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Not really, I have read the first 5 books of deathnote, but other than that i never watch/read anime.

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do the simpsons count? lol, if pokemon count then i USED to. but i just seem to get into the mood of those shows, i try like every knew one hoepfully finding a good one

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Yeah I'm a big family guy and simpsons fan also Pokemon is one I really love watch but I prefer the old pokemon shows and I also used to watch Yu-gi-oh.

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for me it used to be diehard dbz for lfe

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Trigun, Death Note, Sailor Moon, etc. lol yeah some animes are awesome.

actually my laptop bag is a trigun bag!

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wow why all the serious anime
Why So Serious
Best Movie Ever P.E.R.I.O.D

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Death Note !!!!!!!!

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ince pokemon is a confirmed anime, let me say, it was good..the first 99 pokemon but after that it sucked, i liked the orginal 99 when i was 6 (i knew all there names and there number) now it's like a thousand pokemon and almsot half of them are copies of other pokemon with a diffrent name!

well that was today's rant lol

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Dude it was the the first 150 pokemon.
I don't have fav Anime but I do like Yu-gi-oh The Abriged Series

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anime and manga!

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u serious? rofl, now you know that i have not been playing for a while

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DBZ ftw. I've seen every DBZ epi at least twice.

Cheers :)

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Do any of you watch Yu gi oh the abriged series

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i watched the original yu gi oh's but after gx, i lost all hope

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Yugioh the Abridged series is awesome. Really funny.

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i watched yugioh gx for a little while

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