Is the Wii for Nerds

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Yelinyellow's picture
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I just want to know how many of you think the wii is nerdy and/or for nerds.
My friend will constantly give me crap on how I'm a nerd since I choose to get a Wii with it's "bad" graphics and "horrible" gameplay instead of an over-rated PS3 or an Xbox 360 with the best online play.
Now the wii has the graphics of a glorified PS2 but High Voltage is going to change that and horrible gameplay just draws the line. My friend is a fit specimen and I ,a bit of a fatty, can play Wii Fit and Wii Sports longer and better than him. Plus SSBB and MK Wii have some of the best gameplay and SSBB has a good story mode.
Halo and Assasin's Creed are good games but come on Wii really is a revolution. Xbox and PS3 are just more of an update than a new game console. I personally think PS2 is better than PS3

Sorry but I just had to say this to unleash some anger

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

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Horrible gameplay???? I guess I am not in the category of hardcore gamer so the Wii's gameplay is great. I really have not interest in a PS3 or 360 as I am not into the big graphics and complicated controller configs.

Keep in mind I grew up with a NES & Original GameBoy and only upgraded to the next N console after they were price dropped. That being said, simple graphics + simple controls = hours of fun. My wife and I play Dr Mario for hours at a time. In fact my Wii seems to get more use as a NES & SNES.

BRAWLER9612's picture
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You have got to be kidding me!!!!
I can name at least three things that make the Wii not "nerdy"
-Legend Of Zelda:TP
-And GH3
Now those are 3 that i thought of in 1 second...
and people shouldnt be saying the wii is for kids
-Animales de la Muerte
-No more Heroes
-And soon to be,The Conduit+That game that i cant think of right now
The Wii is not "Nerdy" or sometimes "Kiddish".

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And Call of Duty World at War, Resident Evil, and Disaster Day of Crisis when it comes out. No I don't think the Wii is for nerds.

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If the Wii was for nerds, why is it, that when people refer to nerds and video games they refer to the Xbox360? One of my teachers was complaining that our students don't put enough effort into their work and that they all just stay in their rooms and play Halo 24/7. I've heard other references too, similar to that. I've never heard anyone say that the wii is for nerds. My whole family has gotten use out of my Wii in some way (my dad and sister with GH3 and Wiisports and my mom on DDR) and, that would be calling family fun nerdy, but, once again, I've never heard anyone call any Wii player nerdy. The wii is a party system; when people come over for parties they want to play wii, so in response to your friend, he is clearly mixed up because he plays 360 and he calls the Wii nerdy.

Cheers :)

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A nerd by definition is a person who is single-minded or accomplished in scientific or technical pursuits but is felt to be socially inept.
Socially inept is the part I would like to point out for your friend here. The Wii is all about getting people to play with friends either online or not. I definitly do not think that the Wii is for nerds, perhaps for geeks. And I mean that in the best way possible.

Geeks = <3

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ok wow. Well, I personally get alot of crap about being a nerd from my sister and brother. But I think the Wii is not only for kids, though I would like to see more games aimed at older kids/adults. Yes, PS3 and XBox360 are pretty cool in my opinion, and I would gladly get one or the other if they were cheaper and I had more money. But about being a nerd/geek because of wii, it depends on how far you take it.

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lol he said wii is for nerds *snort* lets build bottle rockets *snort* rofl jk anyway, wii is the least nerdy game console, cause nerds are steriotyped as " unatletic" so how could they handle MOTION CONTROL!!! lol and also he got hardcore games..and more to come, now if you ask me ps3 is the most nerdy console (not saying if u own one that ur a nerd cause some poeple here own them but saying you have a greater chance of being a nerd with the ps3 then with the wii)

holy god! thats one of my lognest posts

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deffinition of nerdy/geek

(there is no deffinition of a geek or nerd)

so yes the wii is nerdy the xbox 360 is nerdy and the ps3 is nerdy

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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order from LEAST to MOST nerdy

2.x box 360
4. psp

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nerdy has no definition

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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i listened to "white and nerdy" it did not mention the wii lol

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okay. but the wii is nerdy so are you so is everybody and everything

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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brawler9686's picture
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well my friends say that sometimes to me and can get annoying and your right the wii is not for nerds its just that mabey your friend is a very serious player and decided to get the xbox 360 or ps3 over a wii. The 360 is a good console because of xbox live and achievments but the wii is also a good console because of Mario,Zelda, and all those other great nintendo characters. Sometimes (I got to admit) nintendo sometimes makes bad games like deca sports and all those other kiddy games because they are targeted for like all ages. I would personoly if i had a kid and he was 7 would get him the wii over the 360 or ps3 because those consoles are making more and more M rated games like Fable 2,Resistance 2,Fallout 3,Bioshock,Grand Theft Auto, and a whole other bundle of games. So the next time your friend says that ignore him and never lose your confident with nintendo.

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if 360 and wii were same price and soemone dangled both in my face i would take the x box but i bet if i get an x box i would want a wii fro diffrent reasons

but seriously, the wii is not nerdy, and it will have good games *cough* conduit, madworld, NMH2*cough*

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i hope the conduit is as good as halo is and after it comes out it will be halo vs gears of war vs resistance vs the conduit

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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halo vs gears of war vs resistance vs the conduit vs. care bears magic adventure to lollipop island

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neder, i find it amusing how you are obsessed with Halo even though you have never played me, its not that great.

ON topic, I think every gaming console and every game has its own level of "nerdiness". WoW is at the top of the games list, and IMO the PS3 is on top for the consoles... soo, in a way, yes, it is nerdy, but others are more nerdy then the wii.

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The wii is not neardy. Look at all the games that started on the Xbox 360 or even the PS2 or 3 and are now switching to to the wii because of how great it is.

Alucard Hellsing
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i'd hate to say it but i think Yelinyellow is right it feels like with the wii your "mineing for gold in a septic tank"

And that's my two cents

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moneyr's picture
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i have a xbox and a wii. i think that its not nerdy just that nintendo needs to stop acting like were little baby if u noticce that nintendo ads all ways have kiddy games and not games like mad world or conduit types.BOTTOM LINE THE WII WONT LIVE TO SEE ANOTHER DAY IF THEY DONT HAVE ADULT SELECTED GAMES CONDUIT,CALL OF DUTY, MAD WORLD GAMES WILL HOPEFULLY MOLD THE ADULT WII GAME FUTRE BUT IS IT NERDY NO ITS KIDDY IN LEASE THEY GET GAME MADE FOR THE WII BUT BETTER THAN SONY OR 360.

Alucard Hellsing
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i'm pretty surn it not polictly correct to show those games durning the day thats what adult swim is for

And that's my two cents

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ok, wii games are only adult games or kid games

conduit call of duty, madworld are adult

everythign else is kids

now what about in between?

like, a animal crossing with realistic graphics and not talking animals

take teen games that are somewhat teen like (need for speed and turn it into a GTA)

PS on a side note sup with a GTA for the DS and not for the wii?

correct me if im wrong

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i think that GTA is the stupidist game ever. but depending on how they make it for the ds it might be a little more appropriate for nintendo, but if they still let you have sex in it then it will most likely not sell well because none of the m (some t) games don't sell well on the ds i don't know why but i've never seen an m rated ds game at target or gamestop. and the wii only has a few games that are m rated that are good. hopefully the conduit won't be rated m because i can't play rated m games accept for halo but if i order it online they won't know. i don't think that the wii is specifically for kids i think that the wii is most attracted by kids but it has enough rated t games or games that have always been fun (zelda mario guitar hero etc. etc.) that its attracted to everyone

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
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a segway from GTA i want a mercenaires for wii!!! now that thats

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