Lost Winds Sequel Confirmed

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Lostman1027's picture
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See for yourself here.

For everyone who loved the first one...

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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wow, i haven't even bought the first yet

dangled039's picture
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Wow, thats cool. I also havnt even bought the first one yet. I am still debating whether or no to get it.

do you guys think it is worth getting?

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

Caltus's picture
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fun game, great idea, if you got the money/points i would give her a whirl


metroid1993's picture
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wonderful gameplay and innovative ideas 9/10 in my book. I look forward to the next installment.