May 12th 7AM EST and NO WiiWare

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Scott's picture
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I was expecting a glowing Wii when I walked into my living room this morning. So I turned on the Wii and went to the Shop channel and still NO WiiWare button. What gives????? I even tried a manual system update and went back to the Shop Channel.

judland's picture
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It was there for me, this morning. The Wii wasn't glowing, but WiiWare was in the shopping channel's menu and a half dozen games (I think there were 6) were ready for downloading (this was at 6:30am CST).

I had to get ready for work, so I haven't had a chance to download any of them yet. But this evening I may have time.

Scott's picture
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WiiWare is now up form me.

    BUT WHERE IS DR MARIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GrotoMoto's picture
Joined: 2008/04/22
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How often is new content going to be posted on wiiware? Will it be weekly like the Virtual Console?