Mii Maker

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spiderpig24's picture
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If any of you feel like making a Mii online then you can here:
It doesn't make the best Mii's but it's probably the best one you will find besides making on on your Wii.

moneyr's picture
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i make famouse miis daily for wii consoles im make ing another

Arvin's picture
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That Mii editor is one of the really REALLY old ones that came out way back in the day. If you want to try a more feature rich version try this one.


It support importing actual Mii's from a Wii system, and also exporting high resolution images.

I will be finishing a Wii Teach you on transferring your Mii to your computer for the next episode.

Steve's picture
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is that how you get ur mii as your avatar?

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