Most CompUsa's are closing down

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Sharkboy's picture
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I was hoping 2 finally find my wii. When i got 2 Compusa it was closed down. I may never get a wii i need 1 now while smash bros. has thousands of ppl online. But the most bad thing about not having a wii is that 4 Christmas i got like 3 wii games. well if anyone know any online sites besides ebay that are selling wiis ate a reasonable price, Plz reply.

awahl's picture
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You can try googleing Wii Trackers.
Right now you can get $350 [edit: on Amazon] wiis from 3rd party sellers. It is WAY better than before cos it used to be like $600.

beyondmany's picture
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Scott's picture
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The same CompUSA that closed a few months ago had a grand reopening last weekend. Strange.