Nintendo Power 20th Anniversary

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Yelinyellow's picture
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Hey Just a shout out Nintendo Power gonna have their 20th year celebration at Nintendo Store in New York on Sept or Aug 13 or close to that date. I can't be there but if somebodys gonna be there tell me how it was.

Also I read their 20th anniversary issue and was very happy with it but there were no e3 notes or any trace of the conduit.

It would be cool if Nintendo decided to make a really good FPS.

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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yah i saw that in there i would really love to be there but i cant cause i cant go ny without my parents

dangled039's picture
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hmm...maybe I can convince my parents to buy me a plane ticket to New York so I can go. lol.

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spiderpig24's picture
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It said in the back of the newest issue that they would have all of the E3 games in next months issue.

Steve's picture
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im in pitsburgh, i COULD go but that 2 days form my drama club preforms and i need to practice, also, such short notice

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Shifty350's picture
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I only live like two hours away (give or take) I would love to go but I work & I don't think I could get off:(

I was RevosBro.

neder's picture
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i wish i could've gone that would've been awesome

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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neder's picture
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i wish i could've gone that would've been awesome

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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