Nintendo Wii Remote Innovations: digital whiteboard, touchscreen, head-mounted 3-D viewer

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or people that follow gadgets, technology or gaming I am sure you have heard the name “Johnny Lee”, if you have not then your going to love the video below that shows Johnny Lee demonstrating some innovations that he has created. This man is a genius and people should respect him for what he has done, although that will not be the case for all gamers.
Johnny Lee took what we all know as the Nintendo Wii remote with its amazing motion sensor and turned it into a digital whiteboard, touchscreen and head-mounted 3-D viewer. How he did this is shown in the video below, but simply put, he is using the high performing infrared camera that’s on the tip of each controller.
Its amazing that for around $5 you can make an infrared pen, combined with a Wii remote makes an interactive whiteboard out of around $50 of hardware. There are limitations making a Multi touch interactive whiteboard like this, but it gets you 80% of the way for 1% of the cost (great for schools on a budget). The software for making everything come together is a free download on his site, and in the first 3 months it has been downloaded 500,000 times.
The second part of the video below shows how Johnny Lee took the Nintendo Wii and added an extra $10 of hardware to make a Head Tracking solution which EA have an Easter Egg for this type of head tracking on an upcoming game, Johnny Lee made that possible within 5 months of prototype. This just sums up the progress he has made and the massive games publisher “EA” see this as well by making an Easter Egg in a game for Head Tracking.

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We've talked about Johnny Lee a few times now on the podcast. He's definitely my hero. For those that still don't know what he's done here are some videos.

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yea he's cool this is a good project i think what do you think