Nintendo's Press Conference

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Nintendo's Pres Conference is today. I didn't get much sleep. I'm happy but scared. I know Nintendo is going to surprise us but I'm scared they are going to let us down. I'm excited to see. Please nintendo don't let your hardcore gamers down.

spiderpig24's picture
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I'm hoping they will say something about Disaster Day of Crisis, some more Wii channels, and voice chat.

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Yeah I've been wanting to hear more about that game. More channels sound good and voice chat is a must. But i hope we will get some different type of friends situation and memory. Friend codes start to get a bit annoying.

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I've never thought of skins for the menu. That seems cool. And no more friend codes please!!! I'm on waiting about 2 mins from the start of the live nintendo E3 conference.

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They're saying it's started but it says please wait ohhh i'm so nervous

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OMG it hasn't started yet

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Yeah but how will that Wii chat crap work for every game. It sits on top of your sensor bar. How do i hear them. Am I going to have to shout into the thing. omg Nintendo plz.

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What a dissapointment i mean wii got wii speak but that was really just it

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Dude relax i know we all got a bit screwed but that Chat thing Picks up noise from the whole room and take it and puts it through the TV speakers and you know what mabey the Conduit could use wii speak or possibly transform it into a headset. Nintendo's goin family friendly on us again well except for the grand theft auto for the ds. Animal Crossing looks pretty wicked.

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Yeah I know. Nintendo needs to step up there game. I'm pretty pissed. I would have loved a new Wii Menu and No more friend codes. But what happened to the storage solution.

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I want to know what happened to the core game that they promised.

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Thats what I want to know. But lets just wait til the end of the year we could get an update and all this could be changed. I doubt it but I'm wishing.

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That was deffinately a POC press conference, compared to what all the rumors were!!! I mean, come on! Not very much actual revolutionary things coming out. That was disappointing.

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That game was Call of Duty World at War.
Anyone gonna watch the sony press conference

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Yeah I plan on watching. To see what new they add to the PS3.

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Yeah I bet they just want to scare the crap out of everybody when the really good stuff that they forgot to mention comes out

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I might just have to get a PS3 for Gran Turismo 5

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i thought all the annoucements were awesome! new wii sports! voice chat! wii music!!! i can see all the people on the site right now cause it just got over and everyone wants to discuss the stuff!!
and another ON TOUR!!!!!!!!! wahoooo

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Yeah they announced some good things but some stuff they said we would see we didn't. Storage solution. but I liked what I saw.

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Tha is goin to be the Storage solution?

Alucard Hellsing
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i thought it was a big let down there were two hardcore games call of duty, and GTA both look great, but we need more games like no more heros

And that's my two cents

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my dream is that the wi chat is like a head set, i wanna do back flips and hid behind my couch playing conduit screaming "go go go! ill hold your spot! noooooo!! ( does a mid air flip behind my piano) during a explosion.. (i have a vivid imagination) lol

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lol yes, very

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nice. my imagination sucks. i wish they could've talked about the mario and zelda games and announce a new metroid game

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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