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mustbeburt's picture
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Please tell me that this is just your guys' way of creating some hype. Yeah, that's it, right? It's just a publicity stunt.

I'm sure that's just wishful thinking. I will miss your podcasts greatly. There are not a lot of good ones out there that discuss the Wii. Actually, are there any others that anyone would suggest?

I always looked forward to your podcasts. Hey, I guess you never know... maybe things will change and you guys will start up again. We shall see...

Boo! Waah!

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i'm sure that they wont do another, except the conduit special of course.

i have no idea of another podcast.just search wii on itunes.

phantomphenoix's picture
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This has to end here. But wait couldnt one of us take over the job of shooting the podcast until Ben or Arvin decide to do the podcast again.

Wiidude08's picture
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mustbeburt wrote:
There are not a lot of good ones out there that discuss the Wii. Actually, are there any others that anyone would suggest?

"The Wiire" is another wii podcast that's pretty's not as funny, and it's an audio podcast, but it's weekly wii news...i like it alright

i agree, though; i'm gonna miss WLTP, but i'm looking forward to arvin and ben's "project" whatever it is...

Me like Wii...

SuperSonicPwns's picture
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isn't it the live conduit special?

o well

i was thinking that we should get a couple guys from the site to do it. i'll volunteer to help host but we would need to do it online somehow.

computeace's picture
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I think you can use blogtv as it supports live streams and more than one webcam in view at one time.
Alternatievely, use iChat/MSN and record the screen with hypercam

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i was thinking blogtv, but i do not have a webcam which would be nessesary

Steve's picture
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wow, it's must be burt haven't seen you on in a long time

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