official xbox live thread

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neder's picture
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this is for people to schedule times to play
talk about new xbl games
or anything related to xbl

thanks for the help and hope to see you over xbl

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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brawler9686's picture
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Ok I don't have XBL but I know this already.

Sliver is regualar you can still have friends and a gamertag but you can't play online with other people and also with silver you can still download games.

Don't get a vision camera seiuously whats the point.

And yes you do use your gamertag online.


Spiderpig2744's picture
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Gold has much more features although I think multiplayer gaming should be free IMO. You can go to the xbox website to get started and I agree with brawler. GET CALL OD DUTY I rest my case

neder's picture
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thanks but that didn't answer all my questions.

which call of duty (2 3 4 5 or 42 (modern warfare 2))

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Carlos's picture
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Modern Warfare

Carlos's picture
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i just got xbox live yesterday and it is amazing. i have a few questions for you xbl players out there

Do you have to have netflix to get it on your 360?

Are there any good arcade games that have come out since my last thread?
I dont know

Whats the difference between silver and gold?

Experience the best in entertainment with Xbox LIVE Gold. Raise the curtain on your own instant movie night with thousands of HD movies and TV episodes streamed instantly from Netflix. And as a Gold member, you’ll enjoy exclusive weekly discounts on the best content anywhere and special sneak-peak game demos that give you early access to the newest and latest. Plus Xbox LIVE Gold’s advanced online multiplayer gaming allows you to invite friends all over the world to connect, cheer and play along.

Can you delete a game off your hardrive if you download it into it?


Is it worth it to get the vision camera?

Yes, if you have a lots of friends that use the vision camera. At leas is not like Wii speak that online use two games, that is a waist of money.

Do you use your gamertag to play online?


i don't have that many online games for it all i have is halo 3, lost planet and viva pinata so if you guys want to play online then i will post whatever name i need to,

also what are some fun games to play online besides halo 3

PS: My gamertag is carlos525914 and I have Halo 3

dangled039's picture
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lol, finally.
dont waste money on a camara. no one uses them.

my gamertag is DanglSnipe39 .feel free to add me.

right now, either get CoD:WaW or CoD:Modern Warfare 1. both good and both have a good online community still playing. i have WaW. how can anyone say the modern warfare 2 is better when it hasnt even come out yet? but, it is supposed to be good so if you have that much patience i would wait for that one to come out.

if you download full games onto your hard drive, make sure you have enough room for arcade games and other stuff that you want. it really isn't necessary, the game plays fine without it, but if you have the space by all means do it.

arcade games...nothing major has really come out. make sure you download the demo's for everything you buy and make sure its what you want.

I am assuming you are aloud to play M rated games. Left 4 Dead is by far one of the greatest online experiences I have ever had. but here again, Left for Dead 2 is coming out sometime so if you have enough patience I would wait for that one as well.

have fun.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?

neder's picture
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thank you carlos for answering all of my questions thank you dangle for the help and i am aloud to play m games as long as i order them from amazon and my parents don't know its m (except for halo) and i only have 20 bucks since i bought the live stuff so it will be a little bit before i get call of duty

i will add both of you i will go back and check what mine is and post later

since my questions were answered i am going to make this the official xbox live thread

dangle do you have halo 3 and what time could u and carlos play

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Carlos's picture
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I am going to be conected all day today. 2xp

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I am going to be connected all day today!!!

neder's picture
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all right lets play in about 10 minutes i'll just get my gamertag on here so you can add me

btw i haven't played halo 3 in a long time

p.s just sent you a request and my friend made that name i just never bothered to change it

my name is opoohj (i think)

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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dangled039's picture
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lol, i dont want to get into a whole thing about this but i found halo 3 to be one of the most overrated games out there. so i traded it in for CoD. just my opinion.

George Orwell once said,
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."

We ask for truth all the time, but when that truth threatens to tear apart the fundamental beliefs of your world, can you still accept it?