Pokemon RP

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Alucard Hellsing
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I noticed we didn't have any RP's on this site so ill start i must approve you charatcer fristYou know you want to.

The setting will be a little bit darker then the show in that Pokemon can die, you will not survive a fire blast to the face etc.

We will be travelling through the all the countries but not in necessarily the same order.

Do's and dont's

Do have fun
Don't make your self uber-leetness
Do level up and evolve your Pokemon (at a slow pace)
Don't catch everything you see
Do try to add a bit of drama
Don't turn it all moody and emo
Do feel free to either battle or compete in ehibitionary competitions
Don't make yourself a gym leader or a Elite 4 (you can be an Ex one if you so wish)
Do give your pokemon importance in the plot too, they have feelings and such as well

Character sheet:
Name: (Self-explanatory)
Gender: (S-E)
Age: Anywhere from 12-40
Skills: Cook, medic, mountaineer, enviromentalist, nose-picker,jam maker etc.
Personality: S-E
Hometown: Can be anywhere not just the normal ones
Starter and how you met it: Can be any "baby" or lowest form pokemon but please no legendaries or very strong ones.
Pokemon in party:S-E
Bio: How you got to where you are, how you met the group,what you want to do (Trainer,co-oridnator,breeder etc.
Money: S-E (not too much)
Equipment: Again not too much just a back-pack to carry.

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie

Alucard Hellsing
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Mine is
Name: Alexander
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Skills: quick on his feet, is good at fighting
Personality: dark sense of humor not a big talker
Hometown: deep in the woods
Starter and how you met it: Duskskull ment in a cave while running from evil father
Pokemon in party:Duskskull also has a dark sense of humor, hanter shy, castform little loud mounthed
Bio: Father beat him, while runner from father he meet a duskskull when he was 11 who had been abandoned and the father found them in a cave and nerly killed the duskskull and he decied he had enough and killed the father no one knew about this and never will bring it up (why he donse't talk much), has white hair green eyes tall little thin but still strong
Money: flat broke
Equipment: knife, and 3 pokeballs

other things

this is supposed to be like a story and we are the writers so you can wirte for other peoples charters but stick with the set personalitys

And that's my two cents

The Cake is a Lie

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Character sheet:
Gender: male
Age: 16
Skills: Cook, medic, sniper...
Personality: overall happy but a dark soul
Hometown: pittsburgh..umm it's a hidden town in pokemon land lol
Starter and how you met it:bulbssaur... i was picking berries and it flew out of a bush
Pokemon in party:bulbasur, pikachu, pigiot, onyx, golem
Bio: when i was 10 i became a trainer, after my friends were hit my a train i set out to avenge there death
Money: 500
Equipment: 10 pokeballs, pokedex, cell phone, handgun (don;t ask)

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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double post,

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

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Name: Morgan
Gender: boy
Age: 13
Skills: Gamer, Wiier, battler
Personality: friendiy, sense of humor
Hometown: stinson (the smallist town in Missouri)
Starter: Mudkip, met while getting groceries for mom....
Pokemon in party: Mudkip, shinx, riolu, gible, Ditto (I want almost all these to evolve)
Bio: no comment
Money: 700
Equipment: iPod, bag, 10 pokeballs, bike, knife, playing cards

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