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Sharkboy's picture
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I've been playing Bully: Scholarship Edition. It's a pretty good game on Wii. The controls are great and it plays well. I just wanted to know what do you guys think about ports? I think if they ported some good games onto Wii it wouldn't matter. Like if they ported the last 3 Grand Theft Auto games in a bundle that would be nice. The reason third party publishers don't have much success is because they port bad games and make millions of party games. Why aren't they making any hardcore games. Maybe seeing the success I know The Conduit will have will show other third party game makers. But I just wanted to know what you guys thought about ports.

Steve's picture
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i got bully for ps2, i loved it, do you know if it's the same? it's a shame, it would go good with the wii, but im not spending 50 bucks on the same game

EDIT: oh yea this is about ports, lol,
ports are good, in my opition, lots of game work well on wii, and if i missed a game i woudl want to play it with the wii

i was bored and ssbb surprisingly could not stop it, so i played mercenaries on ps2, i SUCKED on it, i used to own on it, im bad at wired controllers lol

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

neder's picture
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bully is the second most stupid game ever

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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