Press Conference Wish List

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Nintendo is holding a press conference on October 2nd in Japan and the United States. Most likely they will announce something big that they are making. I just wanted to know what everybody wants to be announced. here is what I want to be announced:

1. Nintendo announcing that they will publish The Conduit.
2. Gameplay videos or teaser trailers of the new Zelda, Mario, or Pikmin games.
3. An announcement of a 2D Metroid game that will be available on Wiiware.
4. Kid Icarus Wii announcement.
5. A US release date for Disaster Day of Crisis.
6. A new internet system for the Wii and DS that will replace Nintendo Wi-Fi.
7. An announcement of a new DS that will have better graphical capabilities and dual touchscreens.
8. Storage solution
9. New channels like a demo channel.

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1. headset for wiispeak
2. legal dvd playback
3. conduit news
4. new zelda info
5. a game worth buyign for christmas
6. disaster info
7.wiiliketopodcast shoutout lol
8. they all wear WLTP teeshirts durign the meeting
9. i don't know why but a new ddr
10. new channles (hopefully free)

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gosh I'll probably add to this later...for now though, I have these:

1. New Online service setup.
2. Trailers for the new Mario, Zelda, Metroid...
3. New handheld
4. Storage solution for memory
5. A new line of games (like mario, zelda, etc.)
6. Wii price drop
7. DS price drop (if there's not a new handheld)
8. Customizable menu
9. Club Nintendo for North America (so I can start earning wii pts cards!)
10. New Wii colors or faceplates or something to make it look cooler...
11. Downloadable content for games such as smash bros
12. Makeover of SSBB Wi-Fi including 2 player online
13. New channels (including SSBB)
14. More DS online games and improved online for DS

Thats all I can think of for now...

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i hope the DS drops, i want oen for christmas

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ooh downloadable brawl conent! no more assist trpohy of shadow..make him a playable!!!!!!!! lol

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were you trying to say one. and they shouldn't drop the price on the wii because after 2 years they still can't keep them on store shelves (at least in the USA

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

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lol true, droppign wii's price would do no good nintendo loses money and it will still be impossible to get ( my friends still can't get one, i got mien thrue on of those wal-mart 700 dollar packages that come with 8 games and assecoies)

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If I'm not mistaken, you can't add downloadable content for a game that didn't have downloadable content abilities already programed in it.

But I think (emphisis on think) that they can change the online play, but only slightly.

I wouldn't expect a price drop now because of the oodles of money they could make off of keeping the price.

They already announced a different WFC (sorta) the pay and play for some games to come in which you have to pay to play, but there aren't any games out using it yet sooooo...

Although the Pikmin, Zelda, and mario idea is good, but it wont be out by christmas. Same with storage solution

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sweet thats on my bd....anyways....nintendo wishlist? 24 words......... all i want is for them to make a better nba game with better graphics and less kiddiness like the overextreme use of motion controls....the end

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you only used 23 words because NBA doesn't count because its an acronym for national basketball association.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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SSBB DLC would be ballah!

It won't happen. As much as I want it to.... it won't.

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lol ssbb costumes, like mario in his frog suit, pokemon trainer be ash or a girl trainer. also, a .. *drum roll* SHADOW COSTUME FOR SONIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

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what why sonic where a shadow costume

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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he meant like how you can change the color of your character in SSBB, there should be a color that looks like Shadow.

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oh okay. i've never played super smash bros.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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