Revised Wii Menu

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Sharkboy's picture
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Ok. I know Nintendo's Press Conference is tomorrow and we are all hoping Nintendo changes a couple of things. What are you guys wanting Nintendo to show tomorrow? What do you think they should add to the Wii Menu. Should they completely overhaul it like Microsoft. Give me your opinion.

Yelinyellow's picture
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A complete overhaul on the menu and NO MORE OF THOSE PAIN IN THE BUTTOCKS FRIEND CODES it about makes me want to get a 360 or even commit one of the seven deadly sins Buy a PS3

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

dangled039's picture
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Yea, I know how you feel, the other day, I played a 360 at my friends house, and "Live" was awesome. You could see who was online at any time, and you can see what they were playing so you can join in if you like, it was great. I may seriously buy an Xbox just for that feature. but never a PS3. Lol.

But, I have never thought of Nintendo revising the wii menu, it sounds cool, but i have no problem with it right now. And as always, I would like voice chat, and no more friend codes, that would make things easier for everybody.

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Shifty350's picture
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RevoRick has an Xbox so I do my online with the Xbox & my single player & party games with my W!! (Except Mario Kart, I use my Wii online for that!!)
I don't think Nintendo needs to change the W!! menu but they really do need to change what they have going on with the online, it just isn't working!!
Possibly a storage system for the W!!
& Voice chat definitely!!

I think its funny that Microsoft noticed al the attention that the Mii's are getting so they came out with their own Avatars!!

I have so much more I could say but its late, I'm tired, & I have training for my new job tomorrow!! I might miss the Nintendo conference:( but luckily G4 will have the whole thing on their website.......Yeah G4!!!!!

I was RevosBro.

Sharkboy's picture
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Well I think that Nintendo could upgrade the Wii Menu. Its good but just an overhaul would be nice. I think they should do some skins. I wouldn't mind having a black background. Voice chat has to be there. No more friend codes I'm dreaming and crossing my fingers. Come on Nintendo don't let us down.

Sharkboy's picture
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Seems like were going to have the same old Wii menu and friend code system

Steve's picture
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= ( ..maybe they will fidn this thread, or one liek this on anotther site, and go,,omg there are right

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neder's picture
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i don't think they need to revise the wii menu

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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