as of now a rumor, this is supposed to be the successor of the PSP as the DS is totally diffrent, the orignal brains of gameboy is dead but apaprtly, (SP and micro) gameboy is still being made,code named evolution this gameboy is supposed to be awsome, should lauch soon, well, be annouced soon anyway, so, do you guys think? myth or fact?
Rumor : Gameboy evolution
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I say myth also. It is also like the rumor for the new console for nintendo after the wii.
totally fake.
Yeah, I agree with bleu. No way that this could happen. The big N has already spent tons of time on DS and DSi.
Well........... unless they are going to upgrade their games.....there is no point
I don't see any point in changing back to the GBA's either, especially after they recently came out with the DSi. Most likely they will keep the DSi as their main portable for a few years.
Ummmmm I dont really know it could be myth or fact but since theres is already a DSi mabey not.
i hope it's true
if yuou need proof, go to wikipedia, type in gameboy evolution, you are taken to the game boy line page
if you type in oh...
game boy : are not
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sounds...intersting, but pointless seeing as they have the ds. But the dsi dosen't have a gba slot. Well, I say myth.