sonic and the black knight acutally interesting now!

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Steve's picture
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hey guys, fire up that wii and go to nintendo the new sonic BK launch video, you can play as knuckles shadow (and either blaze or amy)
that went from maybe rent to totally rent 9 not buy, i have enough sonic games for a while)

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NintendoFan's picture
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I have to admit, it does look interesting. But the past few Sonic games still have me bogged down, so i'm probably not gonna get it. Maybe rent...

Steve's picture
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yea, im gonna rent it, or trade with a friend

sonic unelased would be amazing without the werehog

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neder's picture
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don't even rent it ign gave it a 3.9 (or something like that) the trailers make it look cool but the images make it look horrible

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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brawler9686's picture
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Sonic the last good sonic game out wa like in 1993 or something like that. The sonic games from 2000 and over IGN and gamestop etc... gave them like a 5, 3.3 and so on so don;t get your hopes up.