Sony is on top of their Game

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Yelinyellow's picture
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Boy I'm watching the sony press conf. now and I'm gettin a PS3 for christmas Definetly sorry Ben and ARvin

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

maeghick's picture
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Gasp! Blasphemer!

hah sorry I had to say it...

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BRAWLER9612's picture
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Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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Squirtle's best move is B-Down

It's been a year since I became a member!

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Now i will give the wii a respected amount of play time don't worry once a Wii owner always a wii owner

I'm a disgrace to wii owners... I GOT A PS3!!!!

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im sorry folks.....but im gonna have to agree wid yelinyellow on this one......but im still not gonna get a ps3...even if i wanted.....too much $....and after watching the sony conference i recognized that there was a theme sort of that nintendo missed out on....movies.....the 360 got the netflix thing and ps3 just got some in system movie watching/buying thing (that amazingly comes into effect TODAY) i think nintendo shoulda got at LEAST dvd compatibility.....that would get everyone crazy since nobody expected it yet.....o well, too bad

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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i might eventually get one too (maybe i can convince my dad to need blueray) but first i want a 360

Alucard Hellsing
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i have to agree with supersonic i would get a 360 way before i got a ps3

And that's my two cents

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Dodo_JZ's picture
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360>PS3. The 360 games are superior and the online community is undisputedly the best. I'm actually saving for one and with the latest price drop on the Pro, I might be able to get one. Of course XBOX live gold is a different story.

Cheers :)

Steve's picture
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i would get the ps3 if i had money to give away, but i hope wii2.0 has dvd playability <--- is playability a word?

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neder's picture
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i am saving up for a ps3, dsi, and an xbox 360

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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