sorta irelevant but not quite

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Camper's picture
Joined: 2009/01/14
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i havnt been online in a while and i was kinda thinking about that game for the wii called line rider unbound
and i kidna found a game i think is better its called free rider 2 and u make a map and then share the code with others and then they play on the map to free rider 2 is something like line rider but not exactly and if it wont get me banned i wanted to see if people could make some pretty maps and then put up thier map codes here. If this isnt exactly allowed i want to be told that before we start doing that

bleu's picture
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you can play the original Line Rider online at their website for free, but Line Rider 2 is the DS port I've been keepin my eye on. I recommend checking out the free online version.

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