The new brawler (which is me)

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brawler9686's picture
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Many of you say that the old brawler has two accounts this one and the old one but we are just different people at first I just made up a name and didn't really think about so there you go mystery reveald? The old brawler also doesn't come very often don't know why? Is that MYSTERIOUS OR NOT? (I'am not a jerk by the way).

BRAWLER9612's picture
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Who said that I had two accounts?
Also, what did you mean about me not coming often? That sentence didnt really make sense...

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Steve's picture
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he comes (old brawler) like once every 2 weeks,

"Can't live with the guilt? fine...die with it"

brawler9686's picture
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Old brawler look they keep on saying you have 2 accounts and steve I get on like every day and once every 2 weeks isn't alot.

BRAWLER9612's picture
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I check it everyday, I just don't post cuz now its mostly spam, lol

Squirtle's best move is B-Down

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