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Chyeah man
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Does anyone remember how Arvin and Ben said they would do a Top 5 Games every 8 Episodes since episode 8. Well it's been more than 8 episodes than the last one.

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neder's picture
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yeah it has but there haven't been any good games released lately that are good except for guitar hero world tour and animal crossing city folk

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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bleu's picture
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I think thats a good idea. and neder, whatever. there are tons of awesome games recently.

Playstation Home Public Beta
MAG 1st wave Private Beta
Uncharted 2 Multiplayer Public Beta
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Multiplayer Private Beta
ModNation Racers Private Beta
LEGO Universe Private Beta
Medal of Honor Closed Beta

dangled039's picture
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...have there? lol, wow, i agree with neder on this one. no good games have come out recently. bleu, i would like you to name 5 right now.

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neder is right! OMGZERS!!! jk neder lol anyway, yeah i forgot about that countdown, i think there has been a few good games

super smash brawl,
twilight princess
mario kart
mega man 9

and those are jsut off the top of my head

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