video game jobs

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Steve's picture
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hey guys, im 15 right now and next december ill be 16 which will open up a huge door of jobs. i realyl want to work for gamestop s=and ill do there when im 16 to ask for a job,

but what if i don't get it? well i really want to work with video games, so lets make a list of jobs for teens with video games,

just post them and ill add them

why? i don't know but it might help someone

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neder's picture
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lucky i won't be 16 for another 3 years. the best you could probably get is a job like gamestop, you probably won't be able to get a job with making them.

world of warcraft has taken another victim -_-

blizzard has won

thanks for listening
and happy gaming

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Carlos's picture
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Hello Steve, long time!I am 18 and getting a job in gamestop or video game related is hell. Because of your age you are at a disadvantage. You need at least 18 to get an interview and even then is hard because this is a very competitive job. You will need a resume, a copy of your grade in school, a notification of your parent and a drivers licenses. This is all very important to get a jobs.

Her is a list of jobs video game related:

Best Buy
Electronic Boutique
EB Game
Sony Store
Radio Shack

Steve's picture
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thnaks for the list, and it has been a good while, like 2 weeks before website change

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Carlos's picture
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Yea, but I am back!

moneyr's picture
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dont forget wally world Aka wall mart

Camper's picture
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Hmm is target an option or if you lvie near by you should go work at white oak village(a somewhat new mall theyre still putting finishing touches on it but al the stores are open i think)

Steve's picture
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i do live by target but it on a super busy road so i might need to take the bus sicne both my parents work

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SuperSonicPwns's picture
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what about like toys r us, they have video games...

and just for the record: when i become 18 i'm gonna get a job at GEEK SQUAD!!

Shifty350's picture
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Well going for your first job, you might not get that "Dream Job" but something like Target is something to shoot for...& being that you're only 16 I have found that the options are limited =(

Though, lucky for me the establishment that I was shooting for opened up near where I live right when I started looking for my first job!

I was RevosBro.

Steve's picture
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super sorry to crush your dreams but a 19 year old friend of mine can build a computer with stuff from a junkyard and a glue stick and geek squad won't hire him!

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